Winter Tips for Owning and Riding E-Bikes

Winter Tips for Owning and Riding E-Bikes

August 31, 2022 0 By EBUK Team

Winter Tips for Owning and Riding E-Bikes

As the temperature starts to plummet many e-bike riders will have more than a few questions. One of our readers commented: “One of the strengths of my fat-tyre e-bike is that it’s so sturdy and solid for winter riding. Concerns like slipping on a turn or on ice just do not materialize. The weight of the bike is an added benefit for commuting.”

But no matter what type of e-bike you own here are some tips for successful winter rides both to work and on those riding trails.

Safety first: Make sure drivers can see you given winter’s dark days. Check that your lights are in good working order and reflecting bands will also help drivers see your motion. Operate under the assumption that no driver can see you and ride very defensively. In the winter, bike paths are frequently obstructed by ice and snow which forces riders onto the roads and into traffic, and the streets themselves can be narrowed by snow banks.

Keep extremities warm: Use clothing with breathable outer layers to keep rain, snow and road moisture out. Neoprene booties that fit over your shoes can protect your feet and a thin hat under your helmet will keep your head and ears warm. On the coldest days, hand warmers in the gloves are the way to go.

Protect your eyes: Depending on the conditions, you may want to use goggles, particularly if it’s snowing. Keep in mind that snow can reflect very brightly on a sunny day (think skiing) making sunglasses even more important than in other seasons.

Clean your bike: After every commute home, wipe down the bike to dry it and get all mud, salt and water off before it sets. Any common sense bike care that applies to a conventional bike makes sense for the electric bike as well.

Charge battery at work: Charge your battery at work and at home so you don’t run the risk of running out of juice. You do not want to run out of power, particularly in the winter, when you’re dealing with headwinds, rough roads and unpredictable weather.

Hydrate: Dehydration is more often a concern in hot weather but whenever you ride, keep water on board. Even with pedal assist power, you’ll get a workout as your heart rate rises.
So here’s looking forward to the first snowy ride. Expect some beautiful scenes and bring your camera along. Have fun and take charge!

If you have any other tips or indeed any other questions do get in touch with us via the comments below or on our contact page.