Five Simple Tips For Those E-Biking To Work

Five Simple Tips For Those E-Biking To Work

November 21, 2022 0 By EBUK Team

Did you know that in the last 5 years cycling levels in the UK have risen by up to 300% on some days, according to Department for Transport data, as people seek alternatives to travelling via public transport. Cycling to work has always been popular in the cites and bigger towns, with more and more people commuting by e-bike instead of car. This is driven by a greater sense of health and wellbeing and supported by initiatives such as Cycle to Work which paved the way for the many other cycle schemes. So here are 5 tips to help you commute to work…

Try the cycle route out in your free time

First things first, test your route out before you’re going back to work. One of the biggest obstacles can be uncertainty of what your route is going to be like: is it a flat terrain throughout? Do you need to go off-road during it? Testing out your route on a quieter day when people are feeling less pressure to get to their destination is a great way to get a feel for the roads and what you’ll be passing every day.

Guard against the elements

Wet roads + wheels = mud. The result? You’re a soggy mess. Mudguards are the best way to prevent mud on your work clothes and, especially for commutes, they’re a no-brainer. And if you find you are still getting wet and dirty maybe try a different route with fewer puddles. But when even that fails…

Always take spare clothes to work

If you are riding to work and need to use the facilities upon arrival, it’s a great idea to carry spare clothes with you. Think about it, if you get caught in the rain or have a very wet cycle commute it’s going to be so distracting and uncomfortable spending the rest of the working day in soggy clothes! You will feel more comfortable at work in fresh clothes. Pro-tip: if you have a short commute, cycle slower so you don’t have to change your clothes!

Go at your own pace

Remember you can start this new commute any time you like. Pick a day when there is less pressure to be in at a certain time. Avoid a day with a big deadline or an important meeting in the morning. If you can, ask your boss for a little flexibility on when you can arrive to work on your first cycling day as you never know what will happen!

Try go for afternoon meetings

There’s no denying that meetings are a big part of office life. Whilst you unfortunately cannot avoid them altogether, you can try work around them. Our final tip to you is when arranging meetings always try go for a later time, the later the better! Mornings can be unpredictable, you may accidentally sleep in one morning or run into some unexpected traffic. Keep the morning free to make up time or chill from your commute in.

If you have any other tips for those of us who e-bike to work do let us know in the comments below and if you have any other questions do get in touch with us via the Contact Us page.