5 Reasons Why I Enjoy Commuting by E-bike

5 Reasons Why I Enjoy Commuting by E-bike

January 25, 2023 0 By EBUK Team

Arriving at work happy, energetic and full of life is one of the most immediate benefits to commuting to work by E-Bike. E-biking to work is like a cardio workout without the sweat and it is far better than 5 cups of coffee. Today I will go over 5 things that I personally love about e-bike commuting to work in the hope that it encourages others to do the same…

1. Health and Exercise

Riding to and from work on an E-bike is great exercise. Hills can be conquered without getting your heart rate up into the red zone. You can push harder on the ride home. It is a perfect cardio workout without actually getting soaked on the way to work and can be done year-round.

2. Commuter Traffic

About 86% of commuters drive to work each day. The total number of cycling commuters tops 880,000 according to the Census, and there were a little over 139 million workers commuting by car in 2015. At an average of 26 minutes each way to work, five days a week, 50 weeks a year, that works out to something like 1.8 trillion minutes spent sitting in a car. The cost in fuel on a national level comes out to £121 billion annually.

3. Savings

The statistics for money savings commuting by bike according to the Federal Transportation Administration the average cost per year of a car is £11,360. That works out to about 76 cents a mile compared to commuting by bike at 8 cents a mile. This figure does not include extras such as toll booths, parking, etc. You can save thousands of dollars each year by riding an electric bike to work. Added up, the combined savings during a working career can be more than $300,000. According to an online retirement calculator, that £300,000 in savings will likely turn into £1,200,000 over thirty years.

4. Parking

One of the big challenges to commuting by car is finding a place to park once you get to work. This is becoming an increasing problem in cities throughout the US. Parking has also become increasingly expensive for drivers. Many more employers are offering options at working for locking up bikes whether bike racks or providing special sections for employees who choose to ride.

5. Fresh air

The transportation sector accounts for nearly 30% of all US greenhouse gas emissions, with cars and trucks delivering nearly 1/5th of those emissions. A solo driver in an average vehicle releases about 1.2 pounds of C02 per mile, the average cyclist releases only 0.7 grams through respiration.