7 Essential Tools Every E-Biker Should Own (and Carry)

7 Essential Tools Every E-Biker Should Own (and Carry)

January 22, 2023 0 By EBUK Team

You can have a great time fixing and adjusting the e-bike in your garage… I love it myself. You can also save a lot of money by maintaining your machine on your own. Below is a list of the 7 basic tools you should get, starting with the most important ones. If you own and carry most of these tools there shouldn’t be many situations while out on a ride that you can’t get yourself out of. But let’s start with those tools that you SHOULD be carrying…

The multitool

The multitool

The multitool can really help in case of emergency on the trails. Some use it as a substitute for some workshop tools, but I don’t recommend this.

Mini Hand-Pump

Mini Hand-Pump

Yes, you need at least a mini pump. Many cycling enthusiasts still borrow it from their neighbours. It takes a long time to inflate a 29’er, but it does the job.

Tire Levers

Tire Levers

These are tire levers. Using a screwdriver for removing the tire is a bad idea – it can damage the rim, the tube and the tire.

Spare Innertube

Spare Innertube

If you have the tire levers with you and a small hand pump it makes sense that you carry a spare tube for those emergencies.



It is always best to find out what wrench will fit your hubs and buy it so you only need to carry one of them. (or just make sure it is an adjustable one!)

Allen/Hex Keys

Allen/Hex Keys

A full-set of Allen keys is a must as it can be used to tighten and indeed fix many different things on your e-bike and things will come loose over time.

Clean rags

Clean rags

Old rags are useful for so many different things, from cleaning your hands to holding an oily chain. You might not see them as a tool, but they are undeniably handy.

We could also add to this list a chain wear indicator, which will help avoid excessive drivetrain wear. More advanced road-bikers could also think about getting a wheel truing stand or some tools, which help with the forks seals replacement or Press Fit bottom bracket installation. You really don’t have to carry a full tool kit with you every time you go out on your e-bike, but a few handy tools really can make a world of difference and make you feel more confident about the ride ahead.