Electric Halloween: Trick or Treat E-Bike Style
October 27, 2022Living in a rural village area can be tricky when it comes to taking your kids trick or treating. I have always been opposed to driving my kids from house to house. Not only does it feel lazy to me, but I worry about the safety of all the little ghosts and goblins out running around not watching for cars. But walking can be tedious when the houses are few and far between. Kids want to run around door-to-door on Halloween. Not me!
Since I was stuck back at the house when my car was in for a service for a few days, I decided to do some research on Halloween and bikes. There are some really clever ideas on the internet for incorporating your bicycle into your Halloween costume. So what would be the harm in using an e-bike as part of my costume? Here are some of my favourite ideas. I’m keeping these filed away for future years!
Space Explorer
Give the kids a real scare when your rocket booster is activated with the touch of a button. Just put your e-bike in the highest level of assist and you will soon have them screaming.
Commuter turned e-Biker
Give up the daily grind and convert your commute. The other Mums and Dads out there toting their kids around may take a cue from you and think about a more environmentally friendly way to commute, too!
Classic movie characters with bikes
If ET really did want to phone home he would have got there a lot quicker if Elliott had an e-bike that is for sure.
The e-Bike Fairy Tale
My personal favourite. Ok, ok, this one may not be the easiest to pull off, and my husband may kill me if I ask him to construct a life-size carriage that looks like it was made out of a pumpkin. But, if it can be done, you’ll need an e-bike to pull it off, so I’ve got that part handled already. And that little princess up there in the bike trailer would love me FOREVER. Yes, this one is definitely on my to do list for next year. Gotta dream big!
Whatever your Halloween plans were or are for this Halloween or future ones, why not try and make your e-bike part of the costume and save your legs for walking off all the extra snacks you will end up getting.