3 Tips for Avoiding E-Biking Accidents (& What to Do if You’re in One)

3 Tips for Avoiding E-Biking Accidents (& What to Do if You’re in One)

December 5, 2022 0 By EBUK Team

While you might think it is the summertime that sees the most bicycle accidents, but it is the wintertime that sees more. I love e-biking I really do, but unfortunately, as healthy and wholesome of activity as it is, it comes with some hefty risks. Here are three tips for avoiding e-bike accidents — as well as a few pointers on what to do if you are, unfortunately, involved in one…

How to Avoid Accidents While Riding Your E-bike


It’s pretty obvious: Preventing a bicycle accident is the best course of action. Here are a few tips for making sure you get where you’re going safely almost everytime…

Tip 1: Eye Contact is Your Friend

Make your presence known at intersections and roundabouts by locking eyes with drivers. (This is even more vital in the age of texting-and-driving.) If eye contact can’t be made the drive might not be aware that you are there, so make sure you see them and they see you.

Tip 2: Be Seen!

According to a 2018 study of bicycle accidents in UK, many drivers looked, but did not see, the biker they hit. Among injured cyclists who were involved in crashes during low-light periods like the winter, nearly two-thirds of them were not wearing reflective clothing. It’s as simple as this, if you are not wearing something bright you are making yourself more vulnerable by not being adequately visible to an oncoming driver. What’s more, is that almost 70% of bicycle crashes occurred between 6 and 9 p.m which is one of the darkest periods of the day.

Tip 3: Lights

While most e-bikes have front lights (and some have back lights as well) built-in you still need to remember to use them. Its all well and good wearing bright clothing, but if there is no lights to shine off of it, you are still quite vulnerable. Headlamps (mounted on your head or helmet) are the best because then you can look directly at the driver to make sure they see your light, but just making sure your front lights work will keep you safer.

Tip 4: Ride Sensibly

Sadly people already think that e-bikers are speed-lovers and dangerous riders, so don’t be that stereotype! Make sure your e-bike complies with all UK law and that you are riding considerately to other road users and pedestrians that might be crossing the road. If you behave like a dick you will put yourself in a much higher chance of being involved in an accident.

3 Tips for Avoiding E-Biking Accidents (& What to Do if You’re in One)

What To Do If you Are Involved in an E-bike Accident?


Here is a scenario that far too many cyclists have endured. You did everything right, you wore a helmet, purchased reflective clothing, mounted a headlight on your bike and did your very best to make eye contact and yet…you were still hit. Here in the UK in 2018 there were 500+ cyclists injured that ALL had bright clothing or working lights on their bikes! So what should you do (and avoid doing) when tragedy strikes? Here are a few tips…

Tip 1: Get off the road

If you can move off the road and get out of the way of oncoming cars as soon as possible. This will prevent further accidents and allow the traffic to move freely as well.

Tip 2: Get That License Plate Number!

If you’re able to take a picture of the license plate of the car that hit you (or at least memorize a portion of it), it will help both the police and your case. (Never put yourself in further danger to do so.) or even better have a cycling accident cam to capture the whole event.

Tip 3: Never Admit Fault

If you can, you should always try to limit your interaction with the driver who hit you. Some people are forgiving by nature. That’s a great way to be. Just don’t put that part of your personality on display in an accident situation. Perhaps the driver who hit you says something like, “Man, I am so sorry. I didn’t see you.” Absolutely do not reply with something like, “You know, I could have been more careful too.” The reason for this is that just because you feel OK now and your e-bike appears to be fine, things might happen further down the road that can change that and you could well need this final tip…

Tip 4: If There is Blame, Claim!

Don’t be afraid to contact a personal injury lawyer for a free consultation. Bicycle accidents are serious business. Without a vehicle to shield them, bicyclists are much more vulnerable to catastrophic injuries. Contact an experienced personal injury attorney. Have them assess your case. It won’t take long, and it won’t cost you a dime. Reputable personal injury lawyers don’t collect unless they win your case. Becoming a victim at the hands of a careless driver likely left you feeling vulnerable, and rightly so.

We hope these tips have al least made some of you think about your safety while out on the road. E-bike can be fun, but while riding on the road it can also be dangerous, so do head some of the advice we have given here.